Monday 17 January 2011


I have tended to pull my punches on this blog but I am not here to debate politics, religion or even what sort of car to drive, but I am sure you can guess where my sympathizes lie.

It is with great dismay that I have watched what appears to be a civil war brewing in the “trans” word. When I first made tentative steps towards coming out two years ago I found an accepting community. Today I think I would be asked to take sides or simply be told where I belong and where I must stay.

For those of you who may have missed this classic Dr. Seuss story as children here it is:

No kind of Sneetch is best on the beaches,



  1. A very apt analogy. Cute rhymes too.

  2. You have just taken me back a long way.

    Civil war? Stupid, isn't it. Ignore them.

  3. Hey sis. I would like to put in my thoughts.

    I am a dedicated Housewives of reality tv viewer. Started with Orange County and so on. These women, all have the same thing in common. Whom is prettier, smarter, spoiled, competition.

    Relating that to the transgender people is nearly the same. It's like High School. The seniors pick on the freshmen because they were picked on when they are freshmen.

    A person in my community and I, was very good friends. Then, she received her surgery and suddenly, she no longer wanted anything to do with me. Why? I'm sure I don't know as she will not respond to any of my efforts in contacting her. However, I have my suspicions when I see her at group meetings and she does not give me the time of day.

    I'm hoping that I don't fall into the Senior crowd whom feel they are too good for the freshmen.

    Your post was very eloquent. Well done!!
