Wednesday 22 June 2011


Tuesady was the big day for my follow up appointment at CAMH. I spent time in the morning getting some real work done, a quick bite to eat then a rush (as usual) to get ready.

The weather was not humid with temperature at noon around 75 degrees so I ended up taking the Electra and let J keep her vehicle.

The drive into Toronto was not bad with only one minor slow down. Off the Gardiner Expressway at Spadina then north through China Town to College. I paid the exorberante fee to park underground at the University of Totonto just down the street from CAMH.

I wore my favorite green dress but the cream two inch heels were murder so I found a place of sit down and have a diet Coke instead of wander around.

My appointment was with a newish female intern, as there has been a changing of the guard so to speak in the almost two years (1 year and 9 months) since my last visit. Almost everyone seems to have retired.

We spent the time discussing the changes and developments since my last visit. Basically I have to show them proof of going full time, pay stubs, letter from my boss etc. at that point I start the clock ticking on my one year real life experience. After that point I can be approved for surgery. Amazing to think that in one year I would be able to book an appointment with Dr. Brassard in Montreal.

Overall a good day. Stuck in terrible rush hour traffic going south on Spadina, clocked by a trio of teenage girls handing out leaflets to passing motorists, which was upsetting after a positive meeting. No one else seemed to pay me any undue attention. I think I held up well in the heat (no working AC) and only looked partially wilted...see self portrait in the car.

The drive back on the QEW was stop and go so I got off at Winston Churchill and met up with Natasha and her spouse for chicken wings before returning home...waiting for dark of course.


  1. Glad the meeting went well April. Teen insecurity comes out in the nastiest ways doesn't it? Too bad a moment gave a bad taste to what sounds like an otherwise positive (if expensive; damned parking fees ($^%$$^**)) day in T.O. :)


  2. Hi April,

    I am so glad that all my praying has resulted in a good report for you.

    I sure don't see how those teens clocked you. They say pictures don't do you justice, but you look amazing. You will have no trouble when you go full time. Oh that I was 30 or 40 years younger ( but that's a whole 'nother story ).

    Many Blessings, Prayers, and Hugs,

    Cynthia XOXO
