Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Shadow Knows

As I mentioned yesterday I did make it out on the weekend but it was a close thing. No I am not talking about my emotional breakdown; I almost cancelled as I was not happy with the way I looked.

I have been undergoing laser hair removal on my face since the spring and I believe I just had my fifth appointment. I paid in advance for six treatments and as many follow up sessions as it takes to get rid of all black hairs. Funded through the sale of some car parts and articles I wrote. There are some white ones too but the less said about those the better.

About two months ago I was able to get away with just foundation, no Dermablend, just like a real woman. However some dormant hairs came through and it was back to the heavy makeup to hide any shadow. During the latest session last Thursday they set the phasers to kill and though I applaud the take no prisoners approach all those dead hairs simply lay on the surface and don’t fall out for about two weeks.

On the Saturday a close shave still left me looking like Richard Nixon and even Dermablend seemed to do little to hide the dreaded shadow. I know it is a temporary thing but it plays havoc with my self confidence. I continued to get dressed and though happy with my outfit I was really torn about going out.

Wife and children gave thumbs up to the sweater dress and boots (it is getting cold here) but my irrepressible middle child said I need a shave. I could have died.

If I hadn’t promised to meet Marissa I think I would have stayed home. Yesterday and today’s photo is from Saturday. If you think I am going to show you the ones I think you can see a shadow in you are gravely mistaken. Such is the vanity of the transgendered.

I don’t think I looked too bad and I did enjoy my time out. But I am not venturing out in public again until the latest lasered crop fall out and my face is clearer. This weekend? Next weekend?