Monday, 23 January 2012

Tobogganing in Three Inch Heels

First real snow of the season here in this corner of Southern Ontario, also the first day I actually shovelled though could likely have left it to melt. Unfortunately our driveway is a little like the secret garden and never seems to get any sun.

To answer the question you are all anxious to know, yes it is possible to shovel snow in three inch heels. No not trying to show off its just that my only pair of winter boots are heels.

Saturday the children were getting "squirrelly" being cooped up so we took advantage of the snow to hit "murder mountain" the name kids have given the local hill. Retrieved sleds from the garden shed and hit the slopes so to speak.

There had been a rumour that the city had posted a sign forbidding sledding at this site but when we arrived the usual crowd was there and teenagers attempting to shoot down the east side and sail across the frozen stream. The sun had melted the snow on the opposite slope so everyone was forced to use the long steady grade facing south.

The children had a great time as the snow had been packed and polished by everyone and some good speeds were attained. I was freezing after an hour and to take my mind off my frozen toes I hitched a ride on the last few runs, yes in heels.

Despite the minimal snow the salt trucks were out in force spraying rock salt and calcium chloride brine with abandon. I wrote an article on rust proofing last month and will hopefully be able to share an excerpt with you dear faithful reader as soon as it is published….yeah I know you can't wait.

Little work done during the day as the youngest was sick, seemed like a whole day at the doctors then the pharmacy. Better get caught up on the contract work I took on.

Photos, children on the slopes, I know it is a real Mark IV but not so sure about the handbag.

Something to warm up with: