Thursday, 3 March 2011

From the Mouth of Babes

This morning I had to attend a parent observation morning for my youngest in kindergarten. The children were asked how they felt that morning and to each use a different word to describe themselves. One little girl said pretty, some of the boys demured saying you can't feel pretty. The teacher said no that is correct she can feel pretty. "Then how would we describe our guest, can we use the word pretty?" I don't think Mr. X feels pretty, do you think he feels pretty? How about a word beginning with H, how about handsome?"

I could feel myself turning a little red at the absurdity of it all and a little sad at being pointed out as male. I also noticed with some chagrin that my youngest was trying to tell her friend that no daddy is pretty one heard her.

The teacher later spoke to me about my new job telling me that it was my daughter who told her all about it, if she mentioned anything else the teacher did not let on.

Laser appointment at 7:00 today, I would go as April but I don't shave for a day or two beforehand so the technician can see where the hairs are. The session went well, I really don't mind the pain. I always look forward to my appointments as the staff are so nice and for a brief moment I am one of the girls.

I am very happy for our own Lucy especially as everything seems to be going well, wow to wake up a woman such a long held wish from childhood. Does she, would I feel any different? Thanks for continuing blogging and bringing us the news from the front line.



Apropos of nothing except that I really like the tune is Toronto's own Handsome Ned:

To see some cool animated Edward Gorey go here: