No I am not referring to a Norse hook up or anything to do with SPAM.
I have found that my ability to focus, especially when creative writing is the order of the day can at times be nearly impossible. Blood from a stone and all that. An absent muse is serious business as much of my job involves the creative use of words. Some professional scribblers a certain Mr. King among them never seem to lack for inspiration. I was relieved to learn from a freelance journalist and friend that he experiences the same problem and the completion of an article or business proposal is the mental equivalent of a couple of rounds in the ring.
Coffee and music (loud music) are the missing ingredient in my creative process. Suffering from a severe case of adult ADD and a side order of depression and dysphoria I brewed up a fresh pot of joe and dug out my favourite classic soundtrack CD I had made a few years ago. It features a selection of tracks from the 13th Warrior, Pirates of the Caribbean, Last of the Mohicans and Star Wars…oh and a little Mozart thrown in for good measure.
Southern Ontario has enjoyed some above freezing but rainy weather the last few days firmly implanting thought of spring in the heads of car guys and gals. I even managed to snatch an hour or two yesterday to work on the Electra and test fit the replacement fiberglass filler panel between they rear bumper and quarter panel. The fiberglass repops are cheap but need considerable finessing to make fit. So much adjusting to do before the piece looks right.
Last night the rain turned into freezing rain then snow, I spent two hours Sunday morning scrapping, shovelling and moving cars so that the driveway would have that pristine blacktop look that "J" likes so much.
Now I hope that discussing other things unrelated to being Trans does not brand me as not sufficiently transsexual. I blog because it helps me with my depression and GID and I write about what I know and what I enjoy. Sometimes it is the trials and tribulations of being transsexual sometimes it is cars and music. I enjoy other blogs that talk about their day to day lives, it humanizes us.
I have been following Lucy's journey with great interest and am delighted to hear that she is doing well and in good spirits but I can't help feeling oh so jealous. It is a complex mixture of jealousy, fear and self doubt. My own road seems so long will I ever make it?