Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The Day After :c)

Hi everyone, it's Cass again with another quick April update!

She had a difficult night, unfortunately. She was in a great deal of pain, and consequently was unable to sleep. 

We just chatted via text; she feels a bit better, but is still quite uncomfortable. Hopefully it will be short-lived.

In positive news... she took her first steps today! Yea!!! 

"Three laps around the room, sis!" she reported. I told her how proud I was of her... but she had fallen asleep again. :c) (I will forgive you, sis... *this* time. lol)

Her father stopped by today before departing for his return home. (Another friend is taking her home when she is discharged.) Once again I am so, so impressed with how wonderful he has been this entire journey. Why, I may even lop off one or two years of *my* Christmas list that they rightfully owe me, as their Irish-American daughter.

OK, probably not. But the fact that I was considering it speaks volumes. :c)

No doubt this is what everyone would expect from our April, but her sense of humor is intact, Here is one exchange from yesterday:

April: On waking after surgery I requested Doritos and Diet Pepsi... stat

Cass: And... ?

April: Received two saltines water.

Cass: Be sure to tell them you're never coming back.

April: I m sure they will lose a Michelin Guide star as a result of this.

Cass: No doubt. Logging on to Yelp right now to express my outrage on your behalf.

And one more from last night - this one a bit more adult (i.e. what constitutes 99% of our conversations). :c)

April: Hi sis. Waiting to get a shot. In considerable pain.

Cass: I'm sorry, sweetie. :c( Hope it is temporary. Please let me know when you feel better.

April: Will do. Remember that scene in Alien?

Cass: I was thinking of Scanners, but your reference also works.

April: Not my head that hurts, actually. lol

Cass: :D

April: APB - missing hot dog, short furry man, Identified by witness.

Cass: He goes by Dick. Dick Hertz.

And just in case we hadn't thoroughly revealed ourselves as the degenerates we both are, here is the video I promptly sent April... as soon as I finished laughing, that is. :c)

More updates and depravity to follow! Not necessarily in that order, of course... ;-P