Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Where is My Rainbow Coloured Flying Skittle Pooping Unicorn? Ok apologises are necessary for my absence. It seems as if it is a truism that once someone has had surgery that their transition blog dies a slow death.


I totally understand why, one is now a woman in full and the soul searching is over, stealth and normal life is what is important.

Well my life is still far from normal and I still have some things to say, nor do I wish to say goodbye to all my friends on this site.

The last month has been one of the most stressful of my life. I moved the last of my possessions from my old home (throwing away many many car parts I collected over the years). Moving is always difficult but it was closing a fifteen year chapter in my life that took the real emotional toll.

Going through a life times memories stretching back to my school days in England, to marriage and children made it seem more like cleaning up after the death of a loved one. And in some ways I guess it was.

The last month also saw the end or rather transformation of a relationship with a close friend. I was more devastated than I could have previously imagined.

My relationship with my ex also hit an all time low, just going back to my old home made me feel sick.

Music, cars, history anything I felt passionate about felt grey and lifeless.

These events conspired to push me back into the darkest depths of depression, it was all I could do to get up and go to work, blogging was a bridge too far. Despite the cost I sought professional help from my therapist and doctor.

A big shout out to Cassidy for listening, responding to my texts and just being there for me.

I wish I could say that all that pain is behind me now and that I am moving forward on the back of a rainbow coloured flying unicorn that poops skittles. It feels more like climbing Mt. Everest but at least I am moving up!

I have more to say about dating and relationships but that will be for later in the week.



Big Hunk of Love...always one of my favourite Elvis songs, here is an incendiary cover by the Jim Jones Revue