Saturday, 15 December 2012


I know I am being hypocritical having posted a series of mostly secular Christmas songs last year at this time but this season the endless drivel of 'holiday" standards croaked by an ever changing retinue of aging pop stars makes me want to drive my Thunderbird through a shopping mall like Jake and Elwood.

Gosh that felt good to write.

I am not a church goer…..I think I have authority issues. I have belief, though my faith may be lacking.

Two different religious themed videos held me in their sway this week and both made me cry……I blame the hormones.  One the post apocalyptic movie Book of Eli, succinctly summed up by a friends teenage daughter as Denzel Washington and a Bible, the other a hymn that a younger me once sung at school.

I offer both as an antidote to the endlessly cloying December to Remember commercials.

Added bonus:

Do you have a Miss Piggy?