Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Zombie Christmas Time....its the most wonderful time of the year. Relationships as a woman are complicated, I know it sounds stupid when I write it. I don't think I expected smooth sledding (how is that for a Canadianism). In fact I didn't expect to have any relationships at all.

Relationships as a woman are complicated, I know it sounds stupid when I write it. I don't think I expected smooth sledding (how is that for a Canadianism). In fact I didn't expect to have any relationships at all.

Simply living as who I was supposed to be was enough for me. But secretly I hoped that I would be able to find someone to spend my new life with.

I have been lucky to have a choice of dates but it seems that all too often I am attracted to people who aren't attracted to me and vice versa.  I connected with the Vette driving doctor who broke my heart at Halloween and a few brief texts cast be back into despair. I expected the black wave of depression to wash over me at Christmas, it came a little early.

I had a really tough Monday, long dark night of the soul and all that rot, took a sleeping pill to quiet my mind. Well I'm still here, like Rocky, ready to take more punches, too stupid to know when to quit.    

It's not that I'm strong I just have some true friends.

a room with a view, photo above is me trying to do my best forties movie star look 
Merry Christmas to all my trans brothers and sisters out there, the bravest of the brave, the ones that never give up and keep on reaching for the stars when we are sitting on our asses in the mud.

2015 is ours for the taking, or in lieu of perhaps just a small south American country

Love you all.

enjoy some zombie Christmas cheer from the Dollyrots: