Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Saturday & Sukiyaki

Saturday I was up with a spring in my step as I knew I was going out as April. But first get kids up for breakfast and the youngest two off to dance practice. The sun was shining and the promised spring had arrived (it would snow on Sunday just to remind us we do live in Canada). Everyone into the Electra.

Later that morning I took our seven year old to lunch at McDonalds for getting 100% on her spelling test. Much deserved as she had practiced hard all week. While having lunch she loudly (she does not have a mute button) that I was the best daddy ever, funny since there were so many other parents and children around….I am sure they must have been crushed.

Yes she does know all about me, then we took the mauve dress back to winners and looked for a cardigan to go with the green dress I was planning to wear that evening. The day was so nice we broke out the bikes and peddled to the video store to rent a movie for the children to watch that evening, I walked.

I had planned to meet Ashley a local restaurant/bar at 9:00 for a drink then off to a dance at the Carrigan Arms sponsored by HOPE (Halton Organization for PRIDE and Education). Some advance planning was in order. Toe nails were done the night before, finger nails late in the afternoon so they had time to dry. Dinner made and family fed.

I got myself ready and drove over to Milestones, the big Buick created some interest in the parking lot as I cruised around looking for Ashley’s car. As I don’t have my new phone yet, I parked and went in all by myself….gulp. I sat at the bar ordered a cosmo and did my best to look cool and collected. Ashley showed up shortly looking as elegant as ever and we had a good chat for at least an hour before heading over to the dance.

There is a dance every Saturday now to raise money for the organization and despite the warm weather not as packed as past events but we were welcomed back by old friends and a small but friendly crowd. Received some nice comments on my outfit and makeup from the GG’s there. As usual Ashley and I were the only “girls” in attendance. Danced a lot for me. once I relaxed a bit. Only wish they played my kind of music (who does?) and I would have worn my heels down to nubs.

Didn’t leave till 1:30, tired but felt on top of the world for getting out and being me.

Musical pick today is Sukiyaki (I look up when I walk) the 1961 Japanese smash and 1963 hit in the States by Kyu Sakamoto. I always had this filed under guilty pleasures but after seeing it used in a segment of Mad Men I have reconsidered and proudly added it to my iPod play list.

The Mad Men clip can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK3ATi_fFXY