CAMH is the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, they are the gatekeepers for all sexual reassignment surgery in Ontario.
I saw them almost two years ago for my initial diagnosis. The appointment on Tuesday in Toronto is a follow up to let them know the progress I have made and that I plan to go full time in September.(job permitting)
Of course I plan to go as April, just as I did on my first visit. This time no wig or silicone to hide behind.
Their rule is two years full time as a woman before one is eligible for surgery. I believe the requirement has recently been reduced to one year. But there will be a backlog.
I still need an outfit and have had neither the time or the budget for something new. Hope "J" and I can put something together tonight.
Since the climate control system in the Electra is not working I asked J if I could take her Town & Country which has working AC. Worried I would arrive a sweaty mess if I could not stay cool in rush hour traffic. I don't need as much makeup as before but I will not go completely natural.
Forecast calls for rain so maybe I will take the Electra after all and save her the indignity of driving a 35 year old car to work.
I did briefly consider taking the GO Train (a commuter service) but the ride back would be during rush hour and the train is usually packed to the gills, standing room only. I am not that confident to present as April in such close contact and sharing ones personal space for an extended period of time.
Or I could go the parade float route and drive my 59 convertible.
I pray that visit is as positive as my first. If I were not so worried about the economy I would feel more celebratory.