Wednesday, 28 September 2011

October is the New April

I have to give credit to Genni for the cleaver post title.

Monday and Tuesday were typical work days, the search for financing for our modest enterprise, which feels a lot like banging my head against a wall.

I wish work was going better, I could really do do with some more constants in my life.

New Cadillac is being frustrating, I cannot solve the no start condition, car is getting spark and fuel… perhaps a ECM fault? Pills must be working as usually I would be beside myself obsessing about the problem. Anyone out there familiar with mid eighties Cadillac fuel injection?

I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that I will have to do all these things as April….speak to mechanics, buy parts at Napa or Canadian Tire.

Another reminder that everything changes on Friday was a conversation with a potential client this morning, let's meet Monday he says? Yikes…I guess it will be April going to that meeting, sure you don't want to do that Thursday?

"J " very kindly arranged for us both to have our hair done at a salon in Niagara Falls on Friday. I am a little worried how it will turn out as hair is so important to ones look and ability to pass.

I wanted to leave getting my hair done, eyebrows thinned and ears pierced until the last minute so that there would be a definite visual change between 'him" and April come the big day.

Somewhat confident, determined and scared.

Overall the feeling is of excitement and impatience. Bittersweet too as the old me disappears, "J" asked if I felt sad at no longer being a husband.



Here are the Leopards with Down That Line