Jeez where to start, there should really be canon of blues songs about the trials and tribulations of trying to survive as a middle class family.
Reviewing my finances on line is really the wrong way to begin a Monday morning. If I keep my foot out of the accelerator I just might have enough gas money to get me to my next pay check.
Had to work last night which adds insult to injury as it costs me to drive in on the weekend. Presentation tomorrow have to wear a suit….guy suit….boooooo
I had a whole lot of other topics to bitch about today but economics has rather taken the wind out of my sails. I need a pep talk; Jessie Jackson’s 1988 presidential slogan keeps popping up in my mind… “Keep hope alive!!” Funny thing is I am a Republican or as much of one as someone living in our Dominion can be.
Hope is so important; it is what makes us get up every morning, to take another breath and to believe we can make the impossible, possible. Depression is like anti-matter, it is the absence of hope. So I keep trying to Keep Hope Alive!
I was able to go out Saturday night, met up with girlfriends Ashley and Marissa and her adult son John. We had a great time at Boston Pizza, it felt very natural and I was not spooked by the crowd. I still don’t make as much eye contact as I do in guy mode but I hold my head up and go where I want to go. Just three women talking about movies, fashion, politics etc….wonderful.
So what did I wear, sweater, pencil skirt, boots, black of course with a gold chain belt.
I honor of my general air of being bummed here is Social Distortion and “Bad Luck”, title sound like a downer but it is a real rave up:
Thanks for your post. Sometimes I think I'm the only one stretched thin. I'm actually working three jobs (1 fulltime, 1 only a few times a week and the other a contract job) and sometimes I worry about having enough gas to make it back and forth to work, much less put food on the table. Not to worry, there are signs the economy is turning around, at least for corporations, which is always the first sign. They make more money and it eventually starts to trickle down.