Got out for coffee with Ashley on Saturday night. Very nice to be out and catch up. No, didn’t get my ears pierced yet, but I will, I promise.
I did however make it to the salon on Thursday after work. It was a near thing as a postponed meeting got in the way and I had to fight traffic and it seemed every red traffic light to get there on time.
Compared to my last attempt to visit to a salon this was one was a great success. The stylist, who was recommended by Ashley, was very nice and open. I showed her some photos and she understood what I wanted to end up with.
I just had a light trim as I am still growing out my hair. On Saturday as I was getting ready I seriously contemplated foregoing the wig. The cut looks more feminine but I feel the longer hair still helps mask male characteristics both physical and subconscious. I am also cursed with pin straight hair that makes it quite hard to disguise a male hairline.
It will be liberating to eventually abandon wigs. I don’t know how long I can continue to grow my hair as potential job interviews may force a no nonsense Don Draper cut if I can’t make my hair look sufficiently neat and masculine.
It was Ashley who showed up without any tonsorial enhancement and she looked great! Very feminine and very natural. Jealous of course but in a good way.
I did make one small advancement in presenting a more natural me, hormones and a flattering bra meant that for the first time I was able to venture out as April without breast forms. I am not quite ready to give them up yet but it does help with my overall confidence.
A little music to dance around like a loony to… while I was out on Saturday I caught the tail end of a Rockabilly radio show on satellite radio. “J” has Sirius in her Chrysler, while I have only the latest in 8-track technology in my Toronado. Anyway despite my vast and excellent musical knowledge I had never heard Kirby St. Romain’s cover of Chuck’s Oh Baby Doll.
blushing... although confused, I would have thought a tonsorial enhancement would have been a device to automatically change my voice to a women's?
p.s. We need to invent one of those!!