Tuesday 20 November 2012


Perhaps it is only the change of seasons but I have been gripped by an inexplicable melancholy that saps my will and drive. I think it is just another variation of the depression I have been battling.

At bed time my head swims with thoughts that I have to force myself to quiet in order that Morpheus may visit unopposed.  

There is also an abiding loneliness, the children keep us busy and add joy to life but as J and I have drifted further apart we have become uncomfortable roommates. Two cold war super powers that cannot exist in spite of the other. The guard towers and barbed wire fences that separate us mean that neither has the unconditional support and love of the prior relationship. 

I never realized how lonely it would be. In my youth I was quite used to being something of a lone wolf, a state many of us no doubt found ourselves in. 

Hopefully that is a temporary state for both of us and that the desire of almost all humans for companionship and love will be fulfilled again. It is how I lull myself to sleep each night.

I have fallen into the old trap of using my automobile obsession to as a crutch for my emotions. So far I am happy with both, especially the Jaguar but I cannot allow them to blind me to reality. Some turn to drugs or booze I collect cars. It could be worse I guess it could be fire trucks or locomotives.

I had an interesting conversation with a woman at the Canadian Tire (think PepBoys, Halfords) help desk. She leaned over conspiratorially and asked if like her I felt invisible to the male staff. 

Kind of I replied (how often in early transition had all of us wished to be invisible) but mostly I find that I know much more than they do… Men I said, followed by an especially good eye roll. 



I have no idea what she is singing about but it seems to sum up how I feel:


  1. So sorry you are having a hard time, April. Sending positive thoughts that it passes quickly. :c) Here's a tune guaranteed to lift your spirits:


    The last three and and half minutes are guitar nirvana. :c)

    Mega hugs,

  2. "I need my wounds
    deep and salty
    when everything feels like nothing
    the pain replaces a friend
    who never leaves
    Humbly waiting for its turn
    when everything feels like nothing
    the pain replaces a friend"

    That's the English translation of the refrain, from Finnish.

    It's about having a lover who keeps hurting you, but you still can't get enough of them, and can't walk away from it.

    Koita sinnitellä

    (Hang in there!)

  3. April,
    I am bi-polar and even my automobile collection doesn't seem to help blow the black clouds away anymore. Being alone and in my 50's compounds the feeling of being alone. I feel for you and your life situation and I wish you happiness. You are a beautiful, very special girl who deserves happiness and all of the best life offers. Tons 'o Hugs, Lisa

  4. I feel totally weird commenting all out of the blue, without prior introduction, but I do read your blog and wanted to express support, however inadequate that may be. How about I attempt to cheer you up (or maybe further depress you) with this link, which I hope you like:



  5. I wish I could offer more than words. I just hope that life brightens fir you soon April

