My brother flies back to his family in Tokyo today. It was great to see him again but saying goodbye was much harder than times before. I felt very emotional this morning as I drove over to my mother's house to say my farewells and to have one last chat before he left for the airport.
Assuming everything goes as planned it would be the last time he will see me in male mode, perhaps it was just the hormones… I will really miss him we are so alike (no not that way LOL) rather we have such similar temperaments, the same taste in music, movies, cars and movies. We can talk endlessly about all these things. I didn't realize how much I missed him until we could talk again.
Yesterday was a family birthday party for my daughter, after the pizza and cake and presents, my brother and I talked into the evening about the good and bad times growing up. It was amazing to learn what each of us remembered, what the other had forgotten, family vacations I had completely forgotten about. His memories of being at home while I was at at school and then university.
The Norman Rockwell, Leave It To Beaver neighbourhood we spent part of our childhood in, the hidden confusion and hatred of my teen years.
I still plan to go full time in September (job willing), I wish he was still here to lend his support in the trying days ahead. I feel that a part of me is missing far across the Pacific.
"J" used the party to tell her sister about me, as suspected it was not a problem. Interestingly she immediately recognized me in the photos "J" showed he. Her comment, "I didn't see that coming" and "he" makes a good looking woman….thanks "K". Her sister hinted that her brother and her mother maybe a more difficult situation.