Still nothing momentous to announce but a girl can dream.
In the meantime I wanted to share my all time favorite movie, the Tarantino penned True Romance.
The story begins in modern day Detroit (my favorite city) and winds up in Hollywood. The scenes with Gary Oldman and Dennis Hopper are worth the price of admission. If you have seen the film you know what I am talking about and if not go rent it now.
The Detroit scenes are the best I think and the fact that the protagonist drives a pinky purple 1974 Eldorado convertible (with a 73 grill by the way) just adds to the film’s coolness factor. Did I mention that our hero is also visited by the spirit of Elvis.
Violent, bloody, sexy and yes romantic. I was particularly taken by the instrumental theme used in the film.
“I had to come all the way from the highway and byways of Tallahassee, Florida to MotorCity, Detroit to find my true love. If you gave me a million years to ponder, I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together. And till this day, the events that followed all still seems like a distant dream. But the dream was real and was to change our lives forever. I kept asking Clarence why our world seemed to be collapsing and things seemed to be getting so shitty. And he'd say, "that's the way it goes, but don't forget, it goes the other way too." That's the way romance is... Usually, that's the way it goes, but every once in awhile, it goes the other way too.”
Anyone feel like pie,