Monday 24 December 2012

All I Want For Christmas Is To See You Die

Last week was unmitigated hell, I was seriously depressed for a week which was damn close to me seeking professional help. All I could do was lie on my bed and imagine inventive ways to do myself in. Every time I attempted to pull myself out of it something would go wrong and I would be two levels further down in my personal Inferno.

I wrote a very raw blog post that I chose not to inflict upon you dear constant reader.
Finally on Friday evening I managed to break free of the darkness and start work on a writing assignment. Actually I am feeling rather proud of myself right now. This afternoon I was even dancing around the basement rec room with my youngest daughter. No my heart didn't grow two sizes that day but I am hell of a lot less grinchy right now!

I even survived a rather painful fall on a freshly washed kitchen floor, less haste more speed. Still hurts like the Dickens though.
Oh don't worry about the title of this post, its a line from my new favourite Christmas song:

Merry Christmas to all the guys and gals out there who didn't start that way. I hope Santa brings you a GTO.


  1. Glad you are feeling a bit better April. I hope you have a rockin' good Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas to you too x

  3. I'm so, so sorry, April. You have excised every bit of bad luck/karma/kismet for a lifetime - none of which was deserved in the least.

    And once again, don't underestimate how strong you are; it takes incredible reserves of character and will to feel that dreadful and forge ahead anyway. Not many people could do that; you did. And have, several times. Give yourself a pat on the back. Two, in fact. :c)

    2013 is going to be a *great* year for you, April. The scales will tip the other way, and soon this year will be a distant memory.

    Merry Christmas, hon! Hope Santa leaves you all of the five inch leopard skin heels you could ever want!!!


  4. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year I do like your tasts in music check out Country singer Terri Clark she dose a great cover of Poor Poor Pittifil Me and many other great songs.

    When my Nan was alive if I was ever feeling down she would alway say head up shoulders back and back stright or she would sing The White Cliffs of Dover
