Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Lincoln Assassination: Part 2 "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"

Tuesday morning I journeyed back to the accident reporting centre in Burlington to get my police report.
The service representative informed me that the Province's no fault law meant that I shouldn't even bother filling a report and that I would be out of pocket for any repairs.

As an aside when waiting for her to get to my report I saw her cross to other side of the office and speak to the two police officers on duty. Now I am not sure I heard correctly but the gist was that…. "she used to be a guy"

Clearly when calling up my driver's licence and personal details, the name change was evident. Topical as recent events and Mr. Snowden have shown we have no secrets from our governments. I don't believe my personal appearance gave me away as I have been asked about my husband more than a few times the over last month or two. However I found her comments (hello I can hear you across the room, bitch) rude and disrespectful.

Once I had the accident report it was automatically sent to my insurance company, my broker also took my details and was more optimistic this time saying there was a chance that my insurance company would go after the driver of the SUV as she was at fault. He also added that the staff of the reporting centre had no idea of how insurance law worked in Ontario.

Before the end of the day I had a call from my insurance company, Portage la Prairie Mutual (great name eh? sounds like it should be insuring old west gunslingers), yes they would fix my car at no cost to me and would I like a courtesy rental car too! 

I was so happy and relieved!

The next morning I was driving a nice black Chevy Impala (working AC…yahoo) to inspect my poor Lincoln at the body shop. Initially the independent appraiser wanted to right her off but once again my contact at  Portage la Prairie went to bat for me, telling me to send her a list of the cars upgrades so that they could establish a more reality value. 

There was one more hitch as the appraiser said the dent in the fender was not caused my the accident, claiming that only the SUV's trailer hitch made contact with my car. I was able to prove otherwise sending them a photo taken a week prior at a car show showing no dent and a photo of the SUV's rear bumper with green paint on it…..thank goodness for cell phone cameras.

I should get my Lincoln back Friday morning….yes the same day I leave for Montreal!!!

The suspension has already been repaired and everything checked out with a four wheel alignment. The rims were also checked to make sure they were still were true and rebalanced.
yeah its supposed to be straight

looks like both she and I will undergo our respective operations
I would love to have her completely repainted but a quote of $9,000.00 but paid to that idea. So the patina will stay for now, it does have it fans.

I will also be sure  to send a thank you letter to my broker and insurance company. 

see you tomorrow, hugs April


  1. What a great outcome! Pity about the bitch. But hooray for your gunslinging insurance company!


  2. Thanks Lucy, I am so glad my Lincoln only had a flesh wound and will live to fight another day.

  3. glad to hear all went well so far.
