I met my friend Ashley for drinks on Saturday evening, wore a black sweater dress with sheer nylons, jewelled two inch heels. Wife thought it was too short for a woman of my age. I will admit the dress looked shorter with tan nylons, worked better when I wore it with black tights. I believe she called it a desperate divorcee number, which I found quite amusing.
Ashley looked great by the way. We initially went to the Carrigan Arms but a live band meant it was too loud for me, also not my kind of music. We retreated to an establishment more to our tastes and where we could carry on a conversation without yelling at each other.
Sunday was a super rush to get ready in the morning and drive into Toronto for the Trans parent forum at Sherbourne. Made it in ok but lost a hubcap from the Toronado. I wore my favourite jeans, a scooped black T-shirt with a black lace cami underneath and a belted sweater. Wife pronounced the outfit much more appropriate. I left the house in boy/girl mode as it was broad daylight. Running shoes, bomber jacket and dark glasses (no wig). Oh and gloves to hide the painted nails.
Once I arrived at Sherbourne I switch shoes, jacket, hair and applied a light pink lip stick. The forum was very interesting all MTF except the facilitator who was FTM. Initially I was really nervous but everyone was friendly and we had a good chat before the session. Most of the attendees had been full time (post op?) for a while and a wide spectrum of ages. I wanted to participate in the study as there is little knowledge on the issue and on a selfish note I wanted to push the envelope and gain more experience being out in the daytime.
My wife needed to go onto the office so I drove straight back getting stuck downtown in the traffic leaving the Santa Claus parade. I was thinking about heading over to the Eaton's Center mall but time was short and I really didn't feel in the shopping mood. I drove home en femme and was able to safely enter the house under the cover of darkness.
Presented as April for the rest of the evening, minus wig as it gets hot since I have let my natural hair grow out. Dinner, baths for the children then bedtime. Watched episode 4 of the Walking Dead.
Quick car update, changed oil and greased chassis (what a filthy job) this weekend. While I was underneath I saw the driver's side CV boot has cracked...more work. Terrible wind noise from the sunroof not shutting properly on the passenger side RH corner. I just hope it doesn't leak again. The Toronado handled downtown traffic fine but a definite vibration above 100 KPM drive axle?
So if you find a Toronado XS hub cap please contact me, there will be a reward. The caps are unique to the XS model Oldsmobile and are quite rare, luckily I did have a spare.