Today is my last day at what was once my home. I already moved one load of belongings on Monday. Much stays behind till I can find a place to put it or simply dispose of it.
Last necessities will go into my Lincoln and soon I will be off to my part-time job. I will be returning on a regular basis to watch children, which in some ways will be even more painful.
Timing couldn't be much worse with bitterly cold temperatures and some car repair issues (yes yes serves me right for driving thirty to forty year old cars).
It is a struggle to keep a positive outlook and I am afraid I will loose it. Nevertheless and inevitable step and will hopefully lead to bigger and better things.
Perhaps dear constant readers you may need an antidote to the recent forced jollity of Xmas and New Years
Then welcome, I have been in a gothic frame of mind the last few weeks, perhaps it was the bump on the head at work that ended with me in emergency.I seem to have avoided a concussion but had to spend the next day in bed and was told that texting, computers, TV or books were verboten. The headaches have abated now all that is left is the voices telling me….Redrum. Redrum. REDRUM!…never mind
Not wanting to spend the time in meditation or seeking inner peace I decided to download some old radio serials to my phone. After escaping to late forties noir LA with Philip Marlow I started an audio version of Stephen King’s latest Dr. Sleep, a sequel of sorts to his earlier work the Shinning.Not done yet as it is about thirteen hours long but highly recommended so far.
On Friday I had my bangs trimmed, stylist quickly curled my laser straight hair, a quick selfie in the Seville to capture for posterity. Seville has been acting up....strange noises and ISC (idle speed control motor) sticking due to age or Siberian like weather we are having.
I love horror movies but I am not a fan of the slasher kind, an exception is American Mary by the Soska sisters. The film avoids easy classification, it is more than typicalslice and dice drive-in fare. Rape revenge fantasy, body modification primer? One of my favorite horror writers Kim Newman (Anno Dracula) agrees.
In a nutshell financially stressed medical student Mary finds her calling I the field of body modification surgery. Things don’t end well.
I will leave the film’s artistic merits up to you but I have to say her look and costume choices were to die for. Actress Katharine Isabelle wears a Bettie page fringe and is invariably in heels and some very racy outfits even when operating.
Hope you decide to check it out yourself, but maybe postpone until after SRS