OMG the shoes I could have bought for the same money! Just got the 76 Mark IV back ($$$) C6 trans was partially rebuilt with a new torque convertor, runs smoother now, more responsive and should be better on fuel. Spent a portion of last night laying in the rain reattaching an exhaust hanger. It is still raining here; I mean really I just cleaned the Lincoln’s rims again last night.
So I am thinking while laying in the rain, water dripping in my eyes as it runs down the side of the car….what the heck am I doing, really isn’t this a job for some guy. Don’t get me wrong I think women (actually everyone) should know how their car works and be able to sort out minor repairs and maintenance in a pinch.
It is just that I no longer want to play the bloke as Jenny might say, I hate getting grease under my nails and imbedded in my skin. I still like cars, scratch that LOVE cars I just want to drive them and wax them now and then. Also being a passenger is not so bad…just let me control the radio.
One point of concern post transition is will I not be able to engage in the occasional car repair if still want to. Will I be going too much against societal stereotypes? Will I have to keep my shameful hands on car restoration hidden behind garage doors?
Well I will cross the bridge when I come to it. Right now I am off to clean my nails.
So I am thinking while laying in the rain, water dripping in my eyes as it runs down the side of the car….what the heck am I doing, really isn’t this a job for some guy. Don’t get me wrong I think women (actually everyone) should know how their car works and be able to sort out minor repairs and maintenance in a pinch.
It is just that I no longer want to play the bloke as Jenny might say, I hate getting grease under my nails and imbedded in my skin. I still like cars, scratch that LOVE cars I just want to drive them and wax them now and then. Also being a passenger is not so bad…just let me control the radio.
One point of concern post transition is will I not be able to engage in the occasional car repair if still want to. Will I be going too much against societal stereotypes? Will I have to keep my shameful hands on car restoration hidden behind garage doors?
Well I will cross the bridge when I come to it. Right now I am off to clean my nails.