Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Strategic Retreat & Crisis of Confidence

Friday, 18 February 2011
My Hovercraft is Full of Eels

That is silly I don't even own a hovercraft. I don't exactly know what it was but last night I was struck with a serious fit of the giggles. You know when you start laughing and just can't stop until the tears are rolling down your cheeks. Not a good idea when wearing eyeliner and mascara.
I had he opportunity to get out with the girlfriends (or as I know them trouble making enablers ;)) last night. The three of us had the privilege of accompanying Heather on her first night out en femme. She did great by the way, very natural and if she was nervous she hid it well. It was a pleasure to catch up with Ashley and Natasha, hope we can get out again soon.
We started with a bite to eat a Thai restaurant, excellent noodles and green tea. Everyone was relaxed and joking, it started when someone said something about Buicks and my trunk being full of something…weasels…I don't know but that was all it took. I could not help thinking of the Monty Python, "Dirty Hungarian Phrase Book" sketch and I was a goner.
Perhaps the stress of the week, a new job, two important meeting earlier in the day and the rush to get ready was too much. All that stress needed a safety valve and laughter was a great release.
Later we went to a club down the street then home at a somewhat reasonable hour.
Everyone repeat after me, "My Hovercraft is Full of Eels".
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Coward or Knowing When to Shut Up?

I would not say that I have conquered my depression, rather with support from my family, some progress on my journey and therapy I have fought it to a cold war standstill.
Unfortunately little things can still set me off and the black dogs slip their chains.
Sunday was an extended family gathering, over lunch the topic of the Thai airline that recruited and hired transsexual flight attendants came up. What we see as a small but welcome sign of acceptance in the wider world
was greeted with skepticism, ridicule and confusion.
I find it hard to describe how hurt and angry I felt. I wanted to deliver a stern lecture regarding the difference between transvestite and transsexual. I wanted to make a case for equal rights and tell them about the often life or death struggle anyone trans must go through.
Of course I instead stayed silent, a well intentioned defence would only raise questions I was not yet prepared to answer. Like a tropical storm front my face clouded over and I lapsed into silence for the rest of the gathering. I caught that knowing look from "J", the one that says I know but shake it off and put on a brave face. Unlike her I am terrible at hiding my emotions….a womanly trait I have yet to master?
I guess what hurt was that this person/people will know all about me soon enough, perhaps before the year is out. I don't want to be the punch line in anyone's joke. I should be more charitable and put it all down as an idle comment born of ignorance and instead look forward to ambassadorial role to come.
On the plus side I got to walk my daughter to school this morning and played a spirited game of tag before the bell rang.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Day One Year Zero

Not to make fun of the bloody history of Cambodia but in my own life a revolution has taken place. Today (St.Valentine's Day) no I didn't plan it that way, is the first day of my new job working from home.
I wish it meant my first day as April 24/7 but I hope that will come this year. That is my plan, that is my goal and this job is a big part of it, fingers crossed it will allow me the freedom to finally be me.
I am at the computer dressed casually as April, jeans, bra, white t-shirt, a little eye makeup, wonderfully normal.
Lots of challenges ahead but I am excited, I was ready to go this morning, I have not looked forward to getting to work for some time. I am basically doing the same job I did before but more responsibility and more creative control.
I didn't get out on the weekend as we had lots of family stuff going on. I was "J's" escort to a formal affair at a very exclusive country club. It was a dinner for her company. Lots of looking for a dress beforehand, for her not me, I just wore my black suit. She looked great in her new outfit, black too, I think all the women in attendance wore black...very funereal.
Looked enough like a guy though my hair is too long. "J" later told me I was sitting too feminine. To make matters worse I was unsure what to drink, "J" says order a Cosmopolitan. All the guys are drinking beer and I am walking around with a pink drink in a Martini glass, only the little umbrella was missing.
Interacted well enough though an undercurrent of sadness as I felt somewhat the impostor and somewhat too comfortable in a role I wish I could abandon. Still a really nice evening out.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Feeling Normal

I had the opportunity to get out with my girlfriend Natasha last night, which improved my outlook on life tremendously. Window shopping at the mall then coffee for a long chat, lots to catch up on as we had not been out together since before Christmas.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
End of the Beginning

I apologize as it has been a day or two since my last post. Tuesday was my final day at my old job, we had a company lunch, I took the last of my personal stuff to my car, said good bye to all the guys. I made a final few calls to clients, handed over my computer and phone passwords then drove home.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Important Anniversaries, Commercials and Zombies

First a couple of missed anniversaries, I recently passed one hundred posts (where is my medal) and more importantly Sunday was the hundredth anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth.
“The Gipper” is seen by both sides of the political divide as a totemic figure worthy of quoting to make a point. It was during his first term in office that I realized I was a conservative. It took me longer to realize other things about myself and no I don’t find the two to be mutually exclusive.
I always thought he was a great man and the undeserved scorn heaped upon him by the pundits lead me to a healthy distrust of the media and taught me to think for myself more than any school or university.
This is not a political blog so I won’t go any further except to say what another giant of my youth, Margaret Thatcher said at his funeral,
"Well done, Thou good and faithful servant."
An epitaph that anyone should be proud.
To see some of his greatest speeches check out the always excellent Ace of Spades blog:
I am not a fan of football (or any sports really) but I do love advertising. Car commercials predominated at the Superbowl. VW takes the win for their pint sized Darth Vader but the Miss Evelyn Camaro ad made me want to sign my life away one easy payment at a time. Anyone else think Miss Evelyn looked like Joan from Mad Men?
I will not claim to be a “Gleek” but I really did enjoy last nights episode. Being more of a traditionalist, there I go being a conservative again, the version of the Zombies, She’s Not There, in full zombie makeup was super cool.
Of course a little while ago I would not have even admitted to watching this show, I would have locked myself in the garage and cleaned and regapped some spark plugs. See even conservatives can change. Look at that I tied everything up neatly, see you'll tomorrow.