Tuesday 17 July 2012

Red, Ready Amber

Perhaps I should have called this post smoke and mirrors...

Have to share a quick story. I am coming back from my mothers with my two youngest in the back seat of the Electra. At the stop light a large black Chevy Avalanche pulls up and a rather handsome African American man compliments my car and asks some questions about her.

To show off a little I hold the brake for a few seconds and manage to pull of a respectable and rather loud burn out (455 V8 has 510 ft pounds of torque, that is more than a Hemi). At the next light he leans over and says, "damn girl you are turning me on". LOL 

Put another check mark in the pass column.

No children were harmed in the making of this blog post.

The other evening got together with Genni to watch the three episodes of Hit & Miss, wow, episode 3 had me teary eyed but the conclusion provided the necessary catharsis moment. I won't spoil it for any of you if you have not seen it yet.

Thanks to all my readers, just surpassed 100 members….Thanks Everybody!!!



Not my Electra but you get the idea!

Friday 13 July 2012

Is This Too Short?

Hope you didn’t mind the shorts and mini skirts, I know I am too old for the mini skirt, jury is out on the shorts. Never thought I would have the guts to wear shorts. I have worn them while working outside and while biking with the children.

Last two weeks my eyes have been driving me crazy, quite painfully so. I have had three different visits to optometrists and my doctor none revealed any problems. Starting to think it is stress related, not contacts, not air conditioning or allergies….hormones???.

Just finished another car article to be published, this one on the Bucciali Tav 32 and a modern kustom tribute. Also have an upcoming article in Frock magazine and my story n the Green Hornet's Black Beauty Imperial is as they say now on news stands.
Oddball Kustom's Bucciali tribute "The Bootch"

A shout out to the TV show Hit & Miss. The first episode was on You Tube and the series seems worth watching. Finally a positive transsexual role model, a single parent and assassin. I found Chloe Sevigny's portrayal pretty realistic (well of course she passes) as she exudes the doubt and fear we all feel plus a strength of character that we all need to survive transition. I will admit a guilty pleasure at seeing her beat up the village bully.

My good friend Genni ordered a copy of season one from the UK and I am looking forward to the viewing party.

The Electra is back on the road consuming huge quantities of crushed dinosaur juice, makes me appreciate the slightly smaller dimensions and fuel economy of the 1985 Cadillac Seville.

Hugs  April

Thursday 5 July 2012

Falling Ambulances and Oscar Wilde

A trip to Toronto on holiday Monday to see an old friend who was seriously injured in a freak classic car accident.  A vintage Cadillac ambulance, a dream car he had waited years to buy, fell on him when a careless driver swerved off the road and hit the car while he was working under it. A miracle he survived and it was great to see him up and about.

As he occasionally forgets my new name when on the phone I made sure I wore a dress not jeans and a t shirt and brought flowers for his wife….to reinforce the correct visual impression.

On the train to the city I ended up in an hour long conversation with a nice woman traveling to see her friends for a day out. It was most gratifying to past for a prolonged “interview” . How did I know I passed? Well the question about my husband was a good start. I also felt the conversation was subtly different from those with women or men who know my background. The pleasant 60 mins on the commuter train put me in a great mood for most of the rest of the day.

“J” read my post entitled Coward, where I wrote that I would like to go stealth if I can pull it off.
This caused some consternation and conflict I did not anticipate. She took going stealth as meaning that I was usurping her role as mother and denying my past fatherhood. I had meant I simply want to pass as a woman , to be recognized as such and not be branded transgender or transsexual for the rest of my life. Think Charles Manson with a T instead of a swastika carved on his forehead.

The transition to full time has been harder for “J” than she imagined and the cause of much stress. The sooner I land a job the better, which seems more and more the impossible dream but the only strategy is to preserve. I recently removed my profile from a trans forum as I didn’t want it popping up in a Google search of my name and secondly because I rarely visit anymore. 

My oldest’s birthday over the Canada Day weekend, which was spent with “J’s” family and of course I was not invited. Apparently I have ceased to exist for them (except her sister), neither condemned or mentioned. I can’t pretend that doesn’t hurt as I feel pruned from the extended family tree.

As Oscar Wilde said, "There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about".

However I prefer,

The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

Today's musical pick to click is Little Richard storming through Johnny Cash's Get Rhythm:

Sunday 1 July 2012

Going Without

Makeup that is. In the very recent past I would have never dared leave the house without a full complement of foundation, eye liner etc. 

The temperature has been in the nineties here and very humid too. I had to run to the auto parts store to get some more paint and 1000 grit wet/dry sandpaper as I am repairing the dent in the Electra's passenger side fender. As soon as I got home I would be getting right back to work and getting sweaty so doing my face just for a 15 min trip seemed like a waste of time.

Even took pictures to record this "herstoric" event. I assume it means that I am more comfortable with myself and my ability to pass and not that I am lazy, well you be the judge dear reader.

No I was not driving while in some sort of Cadillac induced revelry, just windy                                                           

I am still a big believer that as a woman I should make my best effort to look good. I had to go grocery shopping later in the day and yes I did my makeup before I left.

The  white  on the old Buick was very hard to match, you can't imagine how many shades of white there are until you try and paint a white car. I went with a GM arctic white (more bone really) and its not bad but the eagle eyed will see that the fender has been painted. Better than a big ugly dent though. 

My new favourite song in the whole world: