Wednesday 1 August 2012

Day 3: Long May You Run

My old boss passed away the other day, no I don't know all the details yet. It doesn't matter a great car guy has gone. I have mixed feelings about him but we are all flawed creations. Who am I to cast stones.

It is hard to believe he is gone, he seemed a force of nature.

When I told him about me he did not recoil in horror or retreat into machismo disdain. For that I will always be grateful. If his reaction had been different I would have significantly delayed my transition.

I worked with him for a decade, travelled together across North America, waited in airports, rental cars, froze and sweated an countless film shoots.

He was a larger than life character as I think you can tell from the lead photo, he will be greatly missed by all who were lucky enough to be his friends.

I hope he is somewhere where the gas prices are low and the speed limits high. Long may you run.

The Big Guy at the wheel of my Corvette last season at Cayuga
Whether you believe in Valhalla or not (and I sincerely hope there is an afterlife) it is not for the dead to worry but rather those left behind to reflect on  life.

I am happy that I no longer look at my life and despair, I have miles left to go but I am oh so very glad I am here and did what I needed to do.



Tuesday 31 July 2012

Day 2: Revenge of the Super Models

Perky Monday morning
Morning bike ride with children to the library on my vintage seventies CCM Cheetah

Lot to talk about so a few words as well as pictures for day 2. 

Lucy asked in yesterdays comments, if the cars cause any consternation amongst the general public.  I can't say they that I have noticed any but then I am not the most observant person but I am naturally highly tuned to  any real or imagined indication I am not passing.

In traffic or the inevitable conversations at the gas pumps most people simply take one at face value or assume the car belongs to a husband or boyfriend. As soon as they talk to be they know it is mine. The rockabilly, rat rod culture has seen more and more woman building or driving their own cars and not just as Bettie Page eye candy….not that I wouldn't mind being both.

When out in the Cadillac convertible on the weekend an older guy pulled up and said that the 59 was his dream car and asked if I could adopt him. His parting words were, "I bet you have to beat them off with a stick and I don't mean because of the car."  Well that made my day.

But pride cometh before the fall.

Yesterday I dropped off a resume for a position at a very large Mercedes agent, I believe it is one of their world flagship stores. I made sure I was well dressed, grey suit and black silk blouse, appropriate length black skirt and heels.   

A bit of an odd situation as candidates were asked to deliver resumes in person (no doubt so one could be pre screened judged on appearance). It was not my first choice as jobs go but I treated it as a test of my confidence. Could I walk in there and both pass and make a good impression.

Exiting the Lincoln I entered through the big double doors, my heels clicking like gun shoots over the marble floors. All eyes turned my way. I was immediately pounced on by the concierge. She was dressed very very nicely with very high designer heels and could have easily been a model. 

I had to wait a few minutes while she tried to find the person I had to see (as they have a gender neutral name, I was not sure if it would be a man or a woman). My potential boss turned out to be a woman and was if anything even more attractive and well dressed than the concierge. Looking as if she stepped out of Vogue in a pale aqua dress I felt like a line backer in a frock from Walmart. 

We conversed for a minute, all interviews would take place after the long weekend. I thanked the super model and walked out, head held high, not looking back afraid that I would see them laughingly putting my resume in the round file.

I should not be so chagrined, woman have been judged on their appearance in the workforce forever.

Contemplating my lack of super model good looks but more importantly I am sure I have a  cooler set of wheels

Practicing my snooty Mercedes look



Monday 30 July 2012

This Week in Pictures: Day 1

Thought I would try something new and tell my story through photos this week, yes a post everyday for seven days, talk about aiming high. Please send embarrassing praise or hate mail to comments section.

About to head out on emergency Taco Hell run in the 1972 Mark IV
The Mark cooling down after a highway run, just like the 59 Caddy this car loves  the interstate and hates puttering around town.
Missing my Vette, vintage seventies "Wrap YourAss in Fiberglass"  t-shirt,  cleaning the house in preparation for visit by friends from university days. The colour is in this season!

Guys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses......

And without. 
Lake Ontario at twilight, park where I have taken children to play a few times last week to expend end of day energy


Wednesday 25 July 2012

Be My Baby

I will make you happy baby just wait and see…

On the weekend I cleaned the garage, the poor 59 Cadillac was surrounded by boxes, tools, tires and the trunk had become an impromptu storage area of other projects. By the end of the weekend I had freed her from imprisonment but had not had time to get her started.

Tuesday afternoon I began the usually laborious process of bringing her back to life. Once the battery received a top up charge the huge gold twin snorkel air cleaner would be removed revealing the tri-power carburetor set up. My 59 has the optional Q engine option, the standard 390 being equipped with three two barrel carburettors. Similar to a 64 GTO but with a vacuum operated instead of progressive linkage.

If you leave her sitting for more than a week or two the fuel drains back from the carbs and the centre carb must be primed before starting. Using a small cup of high test, small amounts of gasoline are dribbled into the carb and then the car cranked until the fuel pump can deliver suck enough from the tank to fill the centre carbs bowl and fuel line.

She wanted to run and obliged by bursting into life almost immediately, within minutes she was backed out into the bright sunlight. The AM tube radio had quit working last season and I took a few minutes to examine the wiring under the dash. The goddess of vintage cars was smiling and it turned out to be just a fuse. Once a 9 Amp fuse was located and the tubes warmed up The Ronettes came blasting through the speakers, magical. I just sat there in the warm summer sunshine listening Ronnie's amazing voice making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. 

Later the girls and I took her on cruise along the lakeshore and to a park to fly kites, a lovely evening. Later I met my friend (another Cadillac fan) for coffee. On the way home much too late with the top down in the cool night air, Bobby Darrin singing, Beyond the Sea I felt like I was in a scene from Mad Men,  Betty rather than Don of course.

Oh one more car story, five minutes into our maiden voyage, the Caddy starts to run rough and we can smell gas. I pull over into a side street shut her down and pop the hood (yes I do have a fire extinguisher in the trunk). No flames but the rear carb was wet  with fuel, most likely the float had stuck. No tools on hand I improvised and grabbed the hard plastic comb in my handbag, a few whacks on the fuel bowl and we were back on the road!

I will adore you for eternity…

well worn copy of the 59 shop manual
Yes the 59 is the car I am considering selling to fund FFS, a car I have owned since I was 16 and although I know it shouldn't be it is a hard decision. Car guys and gals will understand.

Monday 23 July 2012

If You Want Anything Done...

My first article in a non automotive magazine has just been published. The latest issue of Frock has my review of the documentary I Am A Woman Now. It is a reworking of my blog on the same subject.

The magazine did a great job on the layout, see page 26. Lots of other great articles to enjoy.

You can download the magazine for free, make sure join their mailing list at

If you want anything done you have to do it yourself. 

No I don't mean SRS! I had completed the necessary cosmetic repairs on my 76 Electra and realized it was time for an oil change and a chassis lube. Both jobs are a rather dirty and messy affair. Perhaps time to leave such tasks to the guys….professional mechanics that is.

I dropped by a oil change/repair franchised shop that advertised a price less than supplies would cost me. I pulled up in the Seville as I exited I could hear the guys in the shop remarking on the "old" Caddy. A less friendly reception from the woman behind the counter.

Asked to confirm the price of oil,filter lube on an older V8 Buick she snapped, well what kind, year etc. Its a 455 I said , "well what model" was here terse reply, giving me a look that said stupid bitch….as if the model makes any difference.  

Its an Electra Limited Landau Custom Coupe. Anyway they wanted to charge me an extra 13 dollars for the extra litre of oil the 455 would need plus they would have to charge extra for my rare filter. I turned on my heel and left with a polite no thank you.

GM Goodwrench was much more friendly and had the filter in stock. Nevertheless I did the job myself. Emerged from under the car with all nails intact for a change and the satisfaction of knowing the job was done correctly.

Girls, learn how to change your own oil. Yes a dirty job but you will save money and a little time on your back….under your car will help you identify any potential future problems. 

Sunday was spent cleaning the garage and garden shed, more hot, dirty work. Had to stack some 20 inch rims and tires above my head, OMG I have definitely lost upper body strength.  Photo is me hot, sweaty and no makeup.



Tuesday 17 July 2012

Red, Ready Amber

Perhaps I should have called this post smoke and mirrors...

Have to share a quick story. I am coming back from my mothers with my two youngest in the back seat of the Electra. At the stop light a large black Chevy Avalanche pulls up and a rather handsome African American man compliments my car and asks some questions about her.

To show off a little I hold the brake for a few seconds and manage to pull of a respectable and rather loud burn out (455 V8 has 510 ft pounds of torque, that is more than a Hemi). At the next light he leans over and says, "damn girl you are turning me on". LOL 

Put another check mark in the pass column.

No children were harmed in the making of this blog post.

The other evening got together with Genni to watch the three episodes of Hit & Miss, wow, episode 3 had me teary eyed but the conclusion provided the necessary catharsis moment. I won't spoil it for any of you if you have not seen it yet.

Thanks to all my readers, just surpassed 100 members….Thanks Everybody!!!



Not my Electra but you get the idea!

Friday 13 July 2012

Is This Too Short?

Hope you didn’t mind the shorts and mini skirts, I know I am too old for the mini skirt, jury is out on the shorts. Never thought I would have the guts to wear shorts. I have worn them while working outside and while biking with the children.

Last two weeks my eyes have been driving me crazy, quite painfully so. I have had three different visits to optometrists and my doctor none revealed any problems. Starting to think it is stress related, not contacts, not air conditioning or allergies….hormones???.

Just finished another car article to be published, this one on the Bucciali Tav 32 and a modern kustom tribute. Also have an upcoming article in Frock magazine and my story n the Green Hornet's Black Beauty Imperial is as they say now on news stands.
Oddball Kustom's Bucciali tribute "The Bootch"

A shout out to the TV show Hit & Miss. The first episode was on You Tube and the series seems worth watching. Finally a positive transsexual role model, a single parent and assassin. I found Chloe Sevigny's portrayal pretty realistic (well of course she passes) as she exudes the doubt and fear we all feel plus a strength of character that we all need to survive transition. I will admit a guilty pleasure at seeing her beat up the village bully.

My good friend Genni ordered a copy of season one from the UK and I am looking forward to the viewing party.

The Electra is back on the road consuming huge quantities of crushed dinosaur juice, makes me appreciate the slightly smaller dimensions and fuel economy of the 1985 Cadillac Seville.

Hugs  April

Thursday 5 July 2012

Falling Ambulances and Oscar Wilde

A trip to Toronto on holiday Monday to see an old friend who was seriously injured in a freak classic car accident.  A vintage Cadillac ambulance, a dream car he had waited years to buy, fell on him when a careless driver swerved off the road and hit the car while he was working under it. A miracle he survived and it was great to see him up and about.

As he occasionally forgets my new name when on the phone I made sure I wore a dress not jeans and a t shirt and brought flowers for his wife….to reinforce the correct visual impression.

On the train to the city I ended up in an hour long conversation with a nice woman traveling to see her friends for a day out. It was most gratifying to past for a prolonged “interview” . How did I know I passed? Well the question about my husband was a good start. I also felt the conversation was subtly different from those with women or men who know my background. The pleasant 60 mins on the commuter train put me in a great mood for most of the rest of the day.

“J” read my post entitled Coward, where I wrote that I would like to go stealth if I can pull it off.
This caused some consternation and conflict I did not anticipate. She took going stealth as meaning that I was usurping her role as mother and denying my past fatherhood. I had meant I simply want to pass as a woman , to be recognized as such and not be branded transgender or transsexual for the rest of my life. Think Charles Manson with a T instead of a swastika carved on his forehead.

The transition to full time has been harder for “J” than she imagined and the cause of much stress. The sooner I land a job the better, which seems more and more the impossible dream but the only strategy is to preserve. I recently removed my profile from a trans forum as I didn’t want it popping up in a Google search of my name and secondly because I rarely visit anymore. 

My oldest’s birthday over the Canada Day weekend, which was spent with “J’s” family and of course I was not invited. Apparently I have ceased to exist for them (except her sister), neither condemned or mentioned. I can’t pretend that doesn’t hurt as I feel pruned from the extended family tree.

As Oscar Wilde said, "There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about".

However I prefer,

The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

Today's musical pick to click is Little Richard storming through Johnny Cash's Get Rhythm:

Sunday 1 July 2012

Going Without

Makeup that is. In the very recent past I would have never dared leave the house without a full complement of foundation, eye liner etc. 

The temperature has been in the nineties here and very humid too. I had to run to the auto parts store to get some more paint and 1000 grit wet/dry sandpaper as I am repairing the dent in the Electra's passenger side fender. As soon as I got home I would be getting right back to work and getting sweaty so doing my face just for a 15 min trip seemed like a waste of time.

Even took pictures to record this "herstoric" event. I assume it means that I am more comfortable with myself and my ability to pass and not that I am lazy, well you be the judge dear reader.

No I was not driving while in some sort of Cadillac induced revelry, just windy                                                           

I am still a big believer that as a woman I should make my best effort to look good. I had to go grocery shopping later in the day and yes I did my makeup before I left.

The  white  on the old Buick was very hard to match, you can't imagine how many shades of white there are until you try and paint a white car. I went with a GM arctic white (more bone really) and its not bad but the eagle eyed will see that the fender has been painted. Better than a big ugly dent though. 

My new favourite song in the whole world:

Tuesday 26 June 2012



Pride week is upon us in Toronto, there is even a trans march, will I be going. No, too many responsibilities at home. However I am torn, there is clearly a need to educate the public at large but neither do I want to appear on the evening news as as a transgendered activist when everyday I attempt to blend into the gender binary as much as possible.

Right now I am open about being transsexual if someone asks but after surgery I would prefer to go stealth if I can pull it off.

I cannot help feeling a little of the coward. 

Basic Black

I think pull off a good Amanda Lear in the first photo. A good role model, well I certainly hope I can look as good as her at whatever her current age is? Of course she has never admitted to her past....

Sorry have been away from the blog for while. Gearing up for the children getting out of school for summer holidays and I thought I was busy now!

Besides looking for a job and writing car articles I have been biking on a regular basis to keep my weight down, picked up a new "muscle bike" a 1970's CCM Cheetah 3 speed, the Cheetah is the girls version of the boys Mustang by Canada's leading bicycle manufacturer. Photos tomorrow.

Also working on repairing my Buick Electras fender (dent was from original 80 year old owner NOT me). Pulled out the dent using a plunger and straightened pot metal ventiports, now it is the tedious process of body filler and sanding.

Really have to get my 59 Cadillac convertible out but not until I have the Buick is ship shape….that is not supposed to be a joke about her being a boat.

My review of the the film I Am A Woman Now  will be published in an upcoming issue of Frock magazine.

Due to my absence Dear Constant Reader here are three tunes to make it up to you:

Amanda Lear, I Just Wanna Dance:

Sylvie Vartan, Love is Blue:

Ike and Tina, Shake:

Ike's guitar makes this performance.



Monday 11 June 2012

Mirror Mirror

I met up with a friend I had not seen for a few months (has it been that long) who is on the same road. She remarked that I looked different that my face had changed again. …hope she meant for the better! It has been going on two years (has it been that long) since starting hormones and apparently they are still subtly changing things.

 I think if I e-mailed these   images back in time a few years I would not recognize the person looking back at me. And that as they say is a good thing.

 I shall give this wretched world the queen it deserves....

Wednesday 6 June 2012

I Am A Woman Now: Film Review

I attended the last day of the Inside Out film festival in Toronto specifically to see the film, I Am A Woman Now the story of the first generation of surgically operated transsexual woman to grow old. The Dutch documentary introduces the viewer to five women, all who transitioned at a time when the word transsexual could not have been spoken of in polite company. A time when to admit that you were not mentally the sex you were born would more than likely put you in a mental institution.

Filmmaker Michiel van Erp introduces us to five women some of whom you may already be familiar with, April Ashley,  Prof. Marie-Pier Ysser (Bambi), Colette Berends, Jean Lessenich and Corinne van Tongerloo. All but Jean were female impersonators performing at Le Carrousel and transitioned in their twenties and thirties. Jean was initially married and had a successful career as a photographer and illustrator. Besides their transsexuality they all shared the distinction of being operated on by the great Dr. Buroou

Dr. Burou began to perform sex change surgery in the late fifties at his Clinique du Parc in Casablanca, Coccinelle was one of his first subjects in 1958. He invented he anteriorly pedicled penile skin flap inversion vaginoplasty, "the gold standard of skin-lined vaginoplasty in transsexuals". He is said to have performed over 800 operations before his death in a boating accident in 1987. His name is not better known as a low profile was necessary to operate in Morocco.

It must have taken such a leap of faith to entrust ones life and some large amount of savings to what was at the time an illegal and experimental procedure. Those who share this condition know that no risk is too great if that is the only way to become who you were really meant to be. 

The film touches on the women's early lives through old home movies, photos and reminiscences. It is also a pilgrimage back to Casablanca and a tribute to Dr. Burou. We are introduced to his son who looks very much like his handsome father and has the same French charm as well as a penchant for water skinning. Corinne returns top the place of her rebirth to lay flowers on his grave and an unsuccessful attempt to visit the building that once housed the clinic.

I still cannot find words to describe the experience, as the credits rolled I felt poleaxed and no strength in my legs to even stand up. I know others must have felt the same as it was very quiet except for the applause. 

What an impact seeing ones idols, these goddesses from another era as real people, as if speaking to me directly, April, Bambi and Colette. Their journey back to Casablanca to be reunited with old friends, the film was at once sad, beautiful and funny. None seem to have regrets and although they admit to giving little thought what their senior years would be like their new lives as women made them so much happier. On waking each morning April tells us she still feels some of the great joy she felt  on coming to after surgery to be greeted by Dr. Burou, "bonjour Mademoiselle". 

I don't think that it is I am afraid to grow old not having experienced being a young woman or that I wished that they had lived a fairytale life since transitioning. 

Perhaps the real reason it moved me so greatly was that it is my story too and they and Dr. Burou are my mothers and father. 
I wanted tears to come to exercise all the emotions I was experiencing.

Five Things I Learned From I Am A Woman Now:

1. Marry Rich

The old friend who used to do April's hair in Paris asks her whether she is living the life of an English duchess. No she says in her most upper class accent tinged with considerable longing and regret.

The hairdresser is apparently quite well off holding court in a Mediterranean villa and later on a yacht, there also seems to be 
many handsome younger men in attendance.

"But you had the aristocracy begging for your hand" her asks, "ah but I was young and stupid" is her reply. The funny thing is she never appears on camera without a glass of champagne in her perfectly manicured hands. She is always as regal as a monarch.

April had successfully remade herself coming from humble provincial beginnings. I often expected her in an unguarded moment to revert to her Liverpudlian accent however she never does, so successful has she remade herself successfully transcending class and gender.

There is clearly some wistfulness when recalling her many wealthy suitors. Both Bambi (who the documentary fails to note had a successful academic career) talk about the trials of economizing and remembering more flush times.

2. Take Care of Yourself

Colette is an artist and salon owner. Her interview begins with her administering a facial to a client and stressing the importance of maintenance to look good in old age. All of the films subjects appear well preserved and living active lives. 

Not surprising considering the investment they made in their female bodies and that their early careers were entirely dependent on being beautiful. Four of the five women were performers before and after surgery.

As a latish transitioner myself I need no convincing of the importance of diet, exercise and cosmetic improvements if one is lucky enough to afford them.

3. Don't Tell Till They Fall in Love

Only one of the women is still in any form of long term relationship. However beautiful, the inability to have children or the distraction of their history seems to have stood in the way of marriage. Corinne's advice is to let the guy fall in love with you first… then it is too late for them. An indication of this barrier to acceptance is seen when Corrine tells an old friend that she was not always as she is, we never see the hoped for acceptance only the shock.

Her one long term relationship was with a bisexual man and she still felt even after surgery she could not offer all a genetic woman could.

4. Do It Now

Most had their surgery in their twenties or thirties as soon as they could afford it. Jean a later transitioner fell into the usual scenario of denial, marriage and children before realizing what could be put off no longer.

None lived in regret and all sited surgery as the happiest time of their life, their rebirth and a start of a new more authentic and happier existence.

The trip back to Casablanca and meeting with Dr, Burou's son is immensely moving. April's patrician facade is only let down when she speaks of the doctors kindness and her own family's shunning. Corinne after half a life time of  stealth proceeds to tell everyone of her history when trying to get access to the shuttered clinic.

5. Not All Men Can Be Beautiful Women

Yes and No. The question was posed to April Ashley and the answer was a quick no, elaborating she states that womanhood has to come from within. The looks and the frame make it easier but she revives her answer mid thought saying that even if you don't look the part you have to do what you feel inside, its just harder.